
* Teacher of Music Theory subjects at Utrecht Conservatoire

* Teacher/lecturer at the International Summer Course of Gregorian Chant (chant theory and conducting) and Dag van het Gregoriaans (various locations) 


* Teacher of the Gregoriaanse Kring, Amsterdam

 * Workshop teacher (e.g.  

Pieterskerk-concerten, VU-Kamerkoor, KunstKlank, La Voix, Illustere Figuren, Amici Cantus Gregoriani, Key to Singing)

* Private teaching practice (piano, theory, solfege, composition and preparing students for conservatoire admission)

Earlier collaborations:
 * 2023: lecturer for research on the Utrecht Pontificale (Utrecht University and its Library) 

* Art (history) teacher and guide at the Mauritshuis museum, The Hague
 * Teacher Solfege, Music Theory and Harmony at Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam; Kleynkoor Academy Noordwijk; Haarlem Cathedral School 

* Teacher/lecturer at the international summer courses and festivals on Gregorian chant of Utrecht, Den Bosch, The Hague, Essen-Werden (GER), Drongen (BEL) and St. Wandrille (FR)

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Projects & methods

In relation to his teaching activities, Tienstra participated in a number of educational projects and methods.

These include the Dutch children's operas Kinderen van de Zaan in the Zaans Museum (2013; see the video) and Help, mijn stem is weg! (2017); contributions to the nationally used Nachtegaal method for solfege; a method of (classical) Harmony for the advanced students of Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam; lessons in Gregorian chant for children and a curriculum of Music (including Solfege exercises and tests) for St. Bavo Cathedral School.

For the productions of Mahler's Eighth Symphony (NedPho, 2019), Britten's Saint Nicholas and Bach's Matthäus-Passion, Tienstra created scores usable by children.

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on the rediscovered medieval Office for St. Jeroen of Noordwijk, with Wilma Gudmundsson (in Dutch). 

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Art (history) guide/teacher

In line with his work as a teacher and workshop leader, Tienstra is active as a guide and art (history) teacher. He has worked at the Mauritshuis museum and guides in his home town Noordwijk, throughout the Netherlands, or abroad in 'culture trips' in Belgium, Germany, Ireland or Italy. The video shows such a trip made with the Kleynkoor Noordwijk to Venice.