Gregoriaans uit de Walburgiskerk. De Zutphense officies van Justus, Goedele en Walburgis (introductie en uitvoeringseditie) (2025)

Introduction, performance edition (in modern notation) and translations of the office chants of Justus, Gudula and Walburg: three special collections totalling 96 chants, preserved in manuscripts from Zutphen's Walburg church.

Available at Attwater Books | | Amazon.

Duizend jaar doorgegeven - Verkenningen van het gregoriaans in Nederland (2024)

A critically acclaimed publication with explorations of Gregorian chant in Dutch sources. 250+ pages, 90+ illustrations. Available at Verloren and

"Tienstra's onmiskenbare kracht is dat hij zijn imposante kennis en deskundigheid weet te koppelen aan zo'n vlotte plen dat het ook gewoon nog leuk is om te lezen." (Katholiek Nieuwsblad)

(More reviews can be found here.)

Lof en luister – Het middeleeuwse officie voor de heilige Jeroen van Noordwijk (2023)

"Rens Tienstra has polished Noordwijk's cultural heritage to shine again." (Leidsch Dagblad)

Introduction, text edition, translation and performance edition (modern notation) of the rediscovered medieval office for saint Jeroen of Noordwijk.

Available at | Amazon 

Gregorian Chant: a Guide to Interpretation and Conducting (2022)

This book brings together the practical experience of chant performance and its long theoretical history. Intended for every plainchant lover who wants to know more about what they are singing and why, it examines such subjects as melody, rhythm, treatment of text and conducting technique, and provides clear references to both the available corpus and the wealth of secondary literature. Practical, inspired and critically aware, this handbook comes to the aid of conductors and singers who want their performances to be historically and theologically grounded as well as musically consistent.

Available at | Amazon 

Lamentations from the Low Countries: a performance edition (2022)

Available at | Amazon 

Het oudste boek van Oegstgeest - Een laatmiddeleeuws gregoriaans zangboek (2017)

Written in collaboration with historian Freek Lugt. Published by and available at Historische Vereniging Oegstgeest (Oegstgeest) | Amazon

Melodic Variation in Northern Low Countries Chant Manuscripts (PhD diss.) (2020)

Available at Bookmundo | Amazon
The appendices of the dissertation are available for download here.

The late choral works of Ton de Leeuw: an analytical study (2016)

"...organised, articulate and consistently perceptive (...) The author's inquiring approach ensures that the discussion regularly moves beyond the insights of existing literature. Presentation is outstanding (...)" (Prof. Robert Adlington)

Published by University of Birmingham. Available via Donemus Publishing, The Hague.