Tienstra regularly creates concert and liturgical programs, either for orchestra's, ensembles, festivals (Dutch Festival of Gregorian Chant, Musica Sacra, Nachtlicht Festival), or at request.
His programming is characterised by a more reflective and somewhat liturgical nature, making use of the entire span of music history. As composer, conductor, church musician, musicologist and teacher, he benefits from an extensive knowledge of repertoire, always eager to help colleagues in programming.
2010-2020: ensemble programmer at Muziek in Jeroen concert series, Noordwijk.
2013-2023: programmer All Souls concerts, Oegstgeest.
2013-2018: programmer of PASSIO: plainchant and contemporary composition.
2021 - : artistic director of the Dutch Festival of Gregorian Chant (NGF), Den Bosch.
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Music theatre
For many years Tienstra works with KunstKlank Foundation (Noordwijk) on a wide variety of projects, most notably music theatre on location. His contribution per project has always been diverse: arranger, (assistant) conductor, programmer and performer. See below for some previous projects.
Programming for Cappella pro Cantibus
Programming with KunstKlank
All programmes made in collaboration with Herma van Piekeren, artistic director of KunstKlank.
Cradle songs and lullabies from all around the world (arranged for soloists, choir and instruments) in an intimate setting.
12 songs from Schubert's Winterreise (arranged for choir and chamber ensemble) for music theatre on Noordwijks WW II history.
Music theatre on the life of Isadora Duncan, with vocal and instrumental arrangements of music from Duncan's time.
4th of May Memorial Concerts, with arrangements of works by Bannink, Elgar, Hollander and Piazzolla.
Guided tours through the historic town of Noordwijk, ending in music/ theatre performances at secret locations. Editions in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014.
Various plainchant programs
'De Bossche Dag van het Gregoriaans'
Full festival day of Gregorian chant in the city of Den Bosch for the NGF.
'Weekend van het Gregoriaans'
Full festival weekend of Gregorian chant in the city of Den Bosch for the NGF.
'Moeder Aarde'
Programming for Musica Sacra Festival 2021, for Sorelle: chant, early polyphony, Hildegard of Bingen and Codex Calixtinus.
Program for Schola Gregoriana Noordwijk based on the music and route descriptions of the Codex Calixtinus.
('Sky Stormers')
Chants by Hildegard of Bingen and organ music by Alain, Dupré and Langlais.
Yearly concerts (2013-2018) of Cappella Tenebrae featuring the combination of Passion plainchants and contemporary composition.
The PASSIO concerts have featured chant +
- new works for cello
- Tournemire's L'Orgue Mystique
- Henderickx' Saeta
- Pärt's organ works
Vespers of St. Jeroen
'Reconstruction' and yearly performance of vespers for St. Jeroen of Noordwijk, since 2012.
Nationale Getijdendag
A full day of chant in The Hague's historic Kloosterkerk, featuring chant groups from around the country.
Gregorian Christmas Concert
A yearly tradition with Schola Gregoriana Noordwijk of Christmas chants and medieval instrumental music, since 2013.