
> Just published: Carve the Runes for cello solo

> Just published: The Little Prince, suite for piano four hands
> Composing a choral opera...


> Just published: Gregoriaans uit de Walburgiskerk. De Zutphense officies van Justus, Goedele en Walburgis. Edition of three collections of chants for Walburga's Church and Librije, Zutphen.

> Recently published: Study of the 'quilisma' sign for Plainsong & Medieval Music 33.2 (Cambridge)
> Study on the Rijksmuseum 'Spes Nostra' panel and its relation to Gregorian chant (Rijksmuseum Bulletin)
> Contribution to Medieval Latin Liturgy: A Research Guide, to be published as a Brill Reference work.
> New book on the confluence of medieval visual and musical art...
> Extensive study on a neglected genre of plainchant...


> 29 March: lecture as part of presentation "Een verborgen liederenschat - Het oud-katholieke kerklied en zijn receptie" (Floris van Gils). Utrecht, Sint-Gertrudiskathedraal. Details t.b.a.

> 3 May: lecture "Nederlands gregoriaans - Een muzikale traditie van heinde, verre... en Deventer" as part of Capita Selecta "Verlichte Middeleeuwen" for Geert Grote University. Deventer, location t.b.a.; 15.15-17.15h. 

> 13-14-15 June 2025: artistic director / teacher on manuscripts from Den Bosch at Nederlands Gregoriaans Festival.

Gregoriaanse Kring Amsterdam: Saturdays 22 March - 12 April - 10 May; 10.00-12.00h; St. Nicholas' Basilica Amsterdam.