To have carved on the days of our vanity
A sun
A ship
A star
A cornstalk
Also a few marks
From an ancient forgotten time
A child may read
Then not far from the stone
A well
Might open for wayfarers
Here is a work for poets -
Carve the runes
Then be content with silence
(George Mackay Brown – 'A Work for Poets' [1996])
Being born and raised at the Dutch seaside, my artistic output is intrinsically linked to the sea. Just 400 meters from my doorstep, there is an ever-changing and seemingly ever-constant body of water, as a daily stage to the last beams of light on the Dutch coastside. Writing on his sea-inspired Hebrides Overture, Felix Mendelssohn once wrote: “…the whole working-out tastes more of counterpoint than of train-oil, sea-gulls, and salted cod – it should be just the other way around!” As a 'coastal composer', I agree with Mendelssohn: nearly all the themes, rhythms, harmonies, melodies (and so forth) of my works have some kinship to waves, currents, tides and undertow - if not “train-oil, sea-gulls, and salted cod”. Counterpoint is just one ‘oar’ aboard the ship during exploration.
In parallel to the North Sea’s dynamics, the composition, performance and listening experience of my compositions show kinship to the monastic practice of lectio divina, an approach of deep contemplative reading. A particular musical idea is ruminated upon, while shedding new light on each of its reiterations, gradually filtering towards a musical point vierge (in the wording of the Trappist monk Thomas Merton). I take great inspiration from monastic life, monastic values and the ‘time management’ that shapes the days, weeks, months and years of monks and sisters that I have met over the years. For me, the most apt parallel for musical composition still is the act of prayer.
I studied Composition at Amsterdam Conservatoire (2006-2013) with Daan Manneke, Willem Jeths and Wim Henderickx and had guest lessons with Tristan Murail, graduating with a Master's degree. During studies, I also met the composer Johathan Harvey and discovered the works of sculptor Antony Gormley (in particular Harvey's Vivos voco, mortuos plango and Gormley's Sound II, both instigated by Winchester Cathedral). The works, philosophy, personalities and outlook of both men have inspired me deeply since. Next, there have been many fellow musicians whose playing 'caused' work on a new composition, thanks to their unique artistry in singing, playing and/or conducting. It is this performative, living aspect of music-making that reminds a composer of the humanity of his craft.
Every composition I create is written from an ‘undertow’ of it being the last. In line with the words of the Orkney poet George Mackay Brown (an author of stern, colourful and vivid works) cited above, I try to ‘carve the runes’ so that, when completed, I can be 'content with silence'. It is an attitude to composition through an ever-conscious relationship with that silence. That probably explains a propensity towards themes of commemoration (e.g. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, Still, Two Memorials, Vues des Anges), of mourning (When David heard, Pleurants, Tears) and of closure (Canticle of Simeon, Facing Night, Prayer of John Henry Newman, Abide with me, Tenderness, Do not go gentle into that good night), as all these themes 'move' towards silence. (It probably also explains a fondness for the sound of bells...)
‘The greatest works of art have that quality… in a great work of art, you know what it is to be alive and you also get a bit of sense of what it is to die,' said the British artist Maggi Hambling.
At times, this manner of creating new work has been demanding – but I feel it has been the cause of my best works so far.
Listen to: Recite, for ensemble | Vues des Anges, for vocal ensemble | Three Chants, for cello | Alba, for harp and organ | Rituale, for ensemble | Still, for electronics | Schokland Prayer, for accordeon | Tombeau à 5: Egidius, waer bestu bleven? (Daan Manneke arr. Tienstra)
Chamber (instrumental)
Motetten (2009)
for ensemble (fl+picc, ob, cl, hrn, perc, pf, vln, vla, vlc, cb)
written for the Prometheus Ensemble (BE)
fp: 12-05-09, by Prometheus Ensemble, cond. Bart Bouckaerts; deSingel, Antwerp
Chorus (2010)
for piano
fp: 06-05-2010 by Tobias Borsboom; Sweelinckzaal, Amsterdam Conservatoire
Canti Spezzati (2010)
for choir, two instrumental groups and continuo group (all spatially placed)
commissioned by Stichting Noorderkerkconcerten, Amsterdam
t: selections from the Song of Songs (Vulgate, King James Version) edited by Em Angevaare and RT
fp: 18-09-2010, by Hollands Vocaal Ensemble, ensemble Barocco Locco, cond. Fokko Oldenhuis; Noorderkerk Amsterdam
Passaggio (2010); Ommaggio a Sweelinck | listen
for saxophone quartet
written at the request of and dedicated to the Berlage Saxophone Quartet;
fp: 19-06-2011 by Boreas Saxophone Quartet, cond. RT; Haitinkzaal, Amsterdam Conservatoire
Rituale (2011) | listen
for ensemble (fl, ob+ca, cl+bcl, mand, gt, hrp, pf, perc, vl, vla, vlc, db)
witten for and dedicated to the Nieuw Ensemble,
homage to the voices of Pino de Vittorio, Lucilla Galeazzi and Marco Beasley
fp: 01-06-2011 by the Nieuw Ensemble, cond. Lucas Vis; Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Seascapes (2011 rev. 2012)
for viola and electronics
written in collaboration with Ji Youn Kang, Tape Interlude by Ji Youn Kang
written for Katya Woloshyn, dedicated to Liesbeth Seegers
fp: 23-06-2011 by Katya Woloshyn (viola) , Ji Youn Kang, Kassen Oud (electronics); Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
fp rev. version: 19-02-2012 by Katya Woloshyn (viola) , Ji Youn Kang (electronics); Oude Jeroenskerk, Noordwijk
Facing Night (2012) | listen
for ensemble (ob, cl, b, hrn, vln, vla, vlc, db)
written for the ASKO|Schönberg ensemble
fp: 20-04-2012, by ASKO|Schönberg ensemble, cond. Bas Wiegers; Centre for World Music and Dance, Rotterdam
Three chants (2012) | listen | buy score
for cello solo
fp: 17-05-2013, by Wilma Pistorius; Bernard Haitink Hall, Amsterdam Conservatoire.
Recite (2012) | listen
for ensemble (fl, cl, b, tr, trmb, pf, vl, vlc, db)
written for Ensemble 10/10
fp: 14-11-2012, by Ensemble 10/10, cond. Clark Rundell; The Cornerstone, Liverpool
Pleurants (Meditations on the Dijon Mourners) (2021) | buy score
for viola
Tenderness - Two sketches after Jan Mankes (2022) | buy score
for piano
Schokland Prayer (“They that go down to the sea in ships…”) (2022) | listen
for accordion
fp: 10-07-2022, by Marko Kassl; Museum Schokland
Tears (Meditation on The Lamentation of Christ by Rogier van der Weyden (and studio)) (2024) | buy score
for viola
written for and dedicated to the Mauritshuis Museum, The Hague
The Little Prince (2024) | buy score
suite for piano four hands
written for and dedicated to Stanislav Jar and Laura Balicov
I. The Little Prince
II. The Asteroids (Var. I. The King; Var. II. The Conceited Man; Var. III. The Tippler; Var. IV. The Businessman; Var. V. The Lamplighter; Var. VI. The Geographer)
III. Flowers
IV. Stars
Carve the Runes (2024) | buy score
for violoncello solo
Vocal (solo)
Weromkommer yn it ûnlân (2007/08) | listen
for soprano solo
written at the request of and dedicated to Francine Vis
t: Abe de Vries
fp: 08-05-08, by Martha Bosch; Sweelinckzaal, Amsterdam Conservatoire.
Petite louange (2021) | buy score
version for soprano and organ
for Bobbie Blommesteijn
t: Bible (Song of Songs / Psalm 57)
Petite louange (2021) | buy score
version for soprano and string quartet
for Bobbie Blommesteijn
Do not go gentle into that good night (2023) | buy score
for voice (countertenor) and piano or organ
for Benjamin Wenzelberg
t: Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night (2023) | buy score
for voice (countertenor) and string trio
for Benjamin Wenzelberg
t: Dylan Thomas
Canticle of Simeon (Nunc Dimittis) (2008) | listen
for 2 soprano's and alto or six-part women’s ensemble a cappella
dedicated to Ella Rombouts
t: Bible
fp: 02-11-08, by Ensemble Vocale Amsterdam, cond. Hannah Rijken; Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
Ave Maria (2008)
for SATB choir a cappella
dedicated to the Maria ter Zee choir, Noordwijk
fp: 25-12-08, by Maria ter Zee-koor, cond. RT; Maria ter Zee Kerk, Noordwijk
Ave Maria (arr. 2011)
for women’s choir SSA a cappella
arranged at the request of Herma van Piekeren
fp: 22-12-2011, by Kleijnkoor Noordwijk, cond. RT; Oude Jeroenskerk, Noordwijk
After grief (2012)
for chorus a cappella with optional melodic instrument
fp: 14-03-2013, by project choir of the Amsterdam Conservatoire, cond. Lodewijk van der Ree; Sweelinckzaal, Amsterdam Conservatoire
O Rex Gentium (2013)
for chorus SATB (with divisi) a cappella
dedicated to Cappella pro Cantibus
t: O-antiphon
fp: 08-12-2013, by Cappella pro Cantibus, cond. RT; Groene Kerkje, Oegstgeest
All through the night (2013)
a carol (for unspecified chorus)
commissioned by Kleijnkoor Noordwijk for their annual Carol concert
t: Welsh carol
fp: by Kleijnkoor Noordwijk, cond. Herma van Piekeren; Old Jeroen's church, Noordwijk
Missa Brevis a 3 (2017) | buy score
for SMsA/TBarB a cappella
in memoriam Jan Valkestijn
fp: 24-09-2017, by Cappella Puellarum, cond. Sanne Nieuwenhuijsen; Cathedral Basilica of St Bavo, Haarlem (fp RT: 14-01-2018)
Prayer of John Henry Newman (2017 rev. 2018) | buy score
for chorus SATB (with divisi) and organ
t: John Henry Newman
fp: ?-10-2018, by Cathedral Choir St Bavo, cond. RT, organ Ton van Eck; Cathedral Basilica of St Bavo, Haarlem
The desert’s blossoming (2019) | buy score
for chorus SATB (with divisi) a cappella
t: Bible (Isaiah 35)
for Cappella pro Cantibus, Oegstgeest
Ubi caritas / Ecce quam bonum (2019)
for schola (chant group), tenor instrument and organ
commissioned by and dedicated to the Schola Cantorum Oegstgeest for their 80th jubilee
fp: 20-09-2020, by Schola Cantorum Oegstgeest, cond. Franz Straatman, St Willibrord church, Oegstgeest
Abide with me (2020) | buy score
for chorus SATB a cappella
t: Henry Francis Lyte
Prayer of Nicholas of Flüe (2020) | buy score
for chorus SATB a cappella
dedicated to the brothers of Einsiedeln Abbey
t: Nicholas of Flüe
Set me as a seal upon thine heart (2020) | buy score
for quartet (SSAA, TTBB or eight-part doubling SSAATTBB) a cappella
for vocal quartet ‘Sorelle’
t: Bible (Song of Songs)
Portico of Glory (Santiago Te Deum) (2020) | buy score
for chorus SMsATBarB and organ
for Santiago Cathedral, in honorem Sancti Iacobi, Matthaei magistri recordatus
If ye love me (2021) | buy score
for chorus SATB a cappella
for Cappella Nicolai (Giles Brightwell, cond.)
t: Bible (John)
Two memorials (2021) | buy score
I. At a calvary near the Ancre
II. They shall grow not old
t: Wilfred Owen
Magnificat | Nunc Dimittis (2021) | buy score
for mixed choir and organ
in memoriam Michael Hedley
When David heard (2022) | buy score
dedicated to Graces & Voices
t: Bible (2 Samuel 18:33)
fp: 11-06-2022, by Graces & Voices; Catharinakerk, Den Bosch
Da Pacem (arrangement of When David heard) (2022) | publ. in Gregoriusblad Sept. '23
written at the request of the Auroville Renaissance Cappella (Eugeen Liven d'Abelardo, cond.)
fp: 24/25/26-02, by ARC; Pitanga, Auroville, India
Psaume 122 (2023) | buy score
for chorus SATB a cappella
commissioned by Cappella pro Cantibus Oegstgeest, in celebration of the choir’s 50th anniversary
fp: 22-04-2023, by CpC, cond. RT; Regenboogkerk, Oegstgeest
Alleluia (companion piece for a chant verse) (2023) | buy score
for SMA or TBarB
for Graces & Voices
fp: 9-03-2024, by Graces & Voices; Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche (Austria)
A Clear Midnight (2023)
for chorus SATB a cappella
written for the Overijssels Kamerkoor (Eugène van Boheemen, cond.)
t: Walt Whitman
Vues des Anges (2023) | listen
for double quartet SSAATTBB or chorus a cappella
written at the request of Bobbie Blommesteijn for Lemnis Ensemble
t: Rainer Maria Rilke
Why fumeth in fight (canon after T. Tallis) (2024)
arr. for chorus SSAATTBB
for Ensemble TIEN
fp: 13&14-04-2024, by Ensemble TIEN, cond. Sanne Nieuwenhuijsen; Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam
These are my tidings (2024)
for SA and harp
written at the request of Victoria Davies
t: translation of gloss in Liber Hymnorum (Ireland)
Petite Louange (arr. 2024)
version for SMA and harp
for Papagena and Victoria Davies
t: Song of Songs
Still (2014) | listen
commissioned by KunstKlank Foundation for their 2014 4th of May Memorials
fp: 03-05-2014, Oude Jeroenskerk, Noordwijk (installation by Ji Youn Kang)
Diptych for carillon (2007 rev. 2011) | buy score
I. Lamento; II. Toccata.
Awarded with the Award for Composer under 30, International Composition Contest Rhenen (NL)
fp: 24-05-08, by Roy Kroezen; carillon of St Cunera's tower, Rhenen
Da pacem, Domine (2020) | free download
I. Passacaglia; II. Fuga
written for the Beiaard-Estafette 75 jaar Bevrijding 2020
fp: 09-05-2020, by Gerda Peters; carillon of Oude Kerk, Voorburg
Airborne (Variations on a theme by Britten) (2020) | free download
for Bob van der Linde
Gearslach (2010) | listen
for pan pipes and organ
written at the request of and dedicated to Henske van der Weerd
fp: 23-03-11, by Henske van der Weerd, panpipes and Michal Bialko, organ; Verschueren-organ of the Orgelpark Amsterdam
Gearslach (arr. 2010)
for trumpet and organ
arranged at the request of Kirstin Gramlich
fp: Gaudeamus Music Week 2011, by Kirstin Gramlich, organ and Christoph Barth, trumpet; Orgelpark Amsterdam
Alba (2011)
fp: ?-2011, by RT, organ; St. Jeroenskerk, Noordwijk
Alba (2011 arr. 2011/2012) | listen
version for harp and organ
fp: 07-06-2012, by Andrea Voets, harp and Jaap Zwart, organ; Orgelpark Amsterdam
Clearing (Portrait, Still life and Landscape) (2012)
for 2 organs
fp: 18-05-2013, by Mira Cieślak and RT, organs; Orgelpark Amsterdam
Cortèges (2014-2015) | listen to (X)
I; II (‘Alleluia’); III (‘Agnus Dei’); IV (IIb); V (‘Quies’); VI; VII; VIIIa; VIIIb; IX (‘In manus tuas’); X (‘Terribilis est locus iste’); XI (‘Nocturne’); XII (‘Nunc dimittis’)
for Theo Visser
Patmos (2023) | buy score
for St. John's Cathedral, 's-Hertogenbosch
fp: 22-10-2023, by Cor de Jong; Oude Kerk, Soest
La sérénade interrompue (C. Debussy) (arr. 2011) | listen
arr. for the Nieuw Ensemble
fp: 08-04-2011 by Nieuw Ensemble, cond. Bas Wiegers; Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Five pieces (D. Shostakovich) (arr. 2012)
for string quartet
Divertimento (I. Stravinsky) (arr. 2012)
for violin, alto saxophone and harp, commissioned by Trio42
Tombeau à 5 : Egidius, waer bestu bleven? (Daan Manneke)(arr. 2014) | listen | buy score
for mixed choir
fp: 30-10-2015, Cappella pro Cantibus, cond. RT; Pieterskerk, Utrecht
Oorlog (H. Bannink) (arr. 2016)
arr. for chamber orchestra, commissioned by KunstKlank Foundation for their 2016 4th of May Memorials
fp: 01-05-2016, Oude Jeroenskerk, Noordwijk
Ao Longe o Mar (Madredeus) (orch. 2017)
orch. for baritone soloist and string orchestra
fp: 14-07-2017, by Henk Neeven, KunstKlank project orchestra; KunstKlank Theatre, Noordwijk
I Love Xmas (misc.) (orch. 2017)
orch. of 20 Christmas classics for voices and full symphonic orchestra
fp: 21-12-2017, by Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest (cond. Dick Verhoef) and Eglentier Theatre Company; Philharmonie, Haarlem
Doubt (M. Glinka) (orch. 2019)
orch. for baritone and cello soloists and string orchestra
fp: 03-2019, by Henk Neeven, KunstKlank project orchestra; ‘Sancta Maria’, Noordwijkerhout
Winterreise (F. Schubert) (arr. 2019)
arr. of 12 songs from Schubert’s Winterreise for choir, soloists, violin, horn, cello and accordeon
fp: 06-03-2020, by KunstKlank Foundation project ensemble, Winterreis location theatre in Buijze Pers, Noordwijk
Children's Corner (C. Debussy) (orch. 2011)
for symphonic chamber orchestra
Banalités (F. Poulenc) (orch. 2022)
orch. for voice and symphonic chamber orchestra
Surusoitto (Funeral music) (from 2 pieces for organ op. 111) (J. Sibelius) (orch. 2022)
for symphonic orchestra
Waldesnacht (J. Brahms) (arr. 2024)
arr. for double chorus TB+SA and cello solo
for Ensemble TIEN
Openingsmuziek voor een toren (Opening Music for a Tower) (2009)
for SSAA choir and optional church bells
written for the opening festivities of the tower of the Old St. Jeroen Church, Noordwijk
t: RT
fp: 16-05-09, by Kleijnkoor Noordwijk; Tower of St. Jeroen Church, Noordwijk
Marco Polo Project: location opera for 'The Little Thai Prince' restaurant (2008)
for 2 mezzo soprano's (and background music)
t: J.J. Slauerhoff, R. Tienstra, Ján Barta, Judith v.d. Dool, Floor v.d. Sluis
fp: 16- en 23-11-08, by Judith v.d. Dool and Floor v.d. Sluis; 'The Little Thai Prince' restaurant
In ripieno (2009)
for SATB soloists and tape
written for the 20 year Jubilee celebrations of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
t: Paul Wolters / RT
fp: 4- and 8-11-2009, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, by Kirila Kraal, Ella Rombouts, Oliver Rault and Rick Zwart / pre-performances by Amsterdams Studenten Koor and Utrechtse Studenten Cantorij
St Martin’s Mass (2012)
(ordinarium for the Mass according to the rite of the Old Catholic Church, for single voice and organ accompaniment)
commissioned by the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands
fp: 21-04-2013, by choir and congregation of the Old Catholic St Gertrude Cathedral; Old Catholic St Gertrude Cathedral, Utrecht
St Martin’s Mass (arr. 2013)
(ordinarium for the Mass according to the rite of the Roman Catholic Church, for single voice and organ accompaniment; arr. for SATB choir and organ: 2014)
arranged at the request of RC St Willibrd's church, Oegstgeest
Kinderen van de Zaan (2013)
children's opera in 4 parts: songs by Aga de Wit and Herma van Piekeren; arrangements, orchestration, soundscapes by RT.
fp: 04-2013; Zaans Museum, Zaandam
Help, mijn stem is weg! (2017)
a mini-opera for young children, concept by Aga de Wit and Herma van Piekeren; arrangements and soudscapes by RT.
fp: 08-02-2018, at Van der Meer Bookshop, Noordwijk